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You are here: Myspace Registration Help

If someone on your computer fails an age check when registering for Myspace, a cookie will be left in your browser, preventing registration. To circumvent this, follow these steps.

1. Bookmark this page and close all browser windows on your computer to eliminate session cookies.

2. Reopen this page in a new browser window.

3. Clear ALL cookies from your browser, each browser has a different method, but it will probably be avaliable in Privacy or Safety settings on your browser.

For IE8 Users:
a. Hit the Safety menu on your toolbar next to the tabs.
b. Click the first item in the menu: Delete Browsing History.
c. Make sure Cookies is checked in the dialog box that appears, then click Delete at the bottom.

4. Reopen Myspace.com, and try registering again. Just ensure any age entered represents you as above 13.

Additional Tips: If you want to rid yourself of annoying privacy features, such as people whose ages are represented above 18 not allowed to view your profile, set your age to 16 or above. If you want to be allowed to use adult features on the site, your age must be 18 or above. However, if your age is set higher, you will not ba allowed to see profiles of people whose ages are set below 16. If they haven't registered for Myspace yet, tell them what this tip says. They should think twice about their age setting when they register. Also, you can't change your age once registered, so be sure about what you want to do before you do it! Dont put your real age anywhere on your profile: Myspace will find it if you do, as they constantly search for it.

If you are a techie, and want to see restriction lists yourself, go to http://cms.myspacecdn.com/cms/SafetySite/documents/SchoolAdministratorGuide.pdf

Info (Why am I telling you this): At the date this page was written (10/15/2009), I am/was 17 years old, and I think all the privacy restrictions that have popped up during my almost 4 years on myspace are ridiculous. They sold out to fox networks, and fox screwed everything up!

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