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This tutorial is designed to explain the basic functions of Myspace.

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Myspace CSS Generator.
HTML Tutorial
Block list

Sorry, but I do not have a CSS tutorial avaliable yet.


HTML Corner On myspace, You will use a lot of formatting. To format text, Here are the basics,
At the end of the text you want formatted, you need to insert </ the tag name >
For example, <b> Your text </b>

<b> or <strong> Here is your text </b> or </strong>
<i> or <em> Here is your text </i> or </em>
<u> Here is your text </u>
<s> or <strike> Here is your text </s> or </strike>

To insert some links into your profile,
<a href="http://www.longwierdurl.com/whereveryouwanttogo.html">Text on the link</a>
Some extra attributes to add to the tag,
  • target="_new" -OR- target="_self"
  • class="whateverCSSclassyouwanttouse"

To insert some pics into your profile,
<img src="http://www.longwierdurl.com/whereveryourpicislocated/yourpicname.gif"/>
Some extra attributes to add to the tag,

  • width="000px"
  • heigth="000px"
  • alt="Text that you want to show up in case image load fails"
  • style="appliciable-css:addasmanyasyouwanttothisvalue;"
  • title="Tooltip Text"

To insert a horizontal bar,
Some more attributes,

  • width="000%"
  • heigth="000px"
  • noshade
  • align="wherever"
  • color="linecolorcode"
  • style="all-appliciable-css:values;"

To insert a line break,

To change font properties,
<font> Your text </font>
You must add one or more of these attributes,

  • color="yourcolorcode"
  • size="0"
  • face="A Font Name"
  • style="any-more:CSS???;"

You may want to add some more tables to your profile. To do this, insert this important tag first!
Any attributes?,

  • cellspacing="0"
  • cellpadding="0"
  • border="0"
  • bordercolor="colorcodehere"
  • bordercolorlight="colorcodehere"
  • bordercolordark="colorcodehere"
  • bgcolor="colorcodehere"
  • width="000px"
  • background="http://www.longwierdurl.com/imagename.gif"
  • align="defaultalignment"
  • class="whatever"

Then, add the table row divider
Any attributes?,

  • valign="somewhere"

Then, the cell.
<td> for a normal cell, or <th>for bold (header) cell.

  • align="cellonlyalignment"
  • bordercolor="cellcolorcodehere"
  • bordercolorlight="cellcolorcodehere"
  • bordercolordark="cellcolorcodehere"
  • bgcolor="cellcolorcodehere"
  • width="000px"
  • background="http://www.longwierdurl.com/imagename.gif"
  • align="celltextalignment"
  • class="whatever"
  • nowrap
  • colspan="0"
  • rowspan="0"

The last two attributes must be used when spanning a cell across multiple columns or rows
The codes must be set up as follows, for a 2 X 3 table with a spanned cell on the 3rd row.

<table border="1" bordercolor="FF0000">
<td> your first row and first cell </td>
<td> your first row and second cell </td>
<td> your second row and first cell </td>
<td> your second row and second cell </td>
<td colspan="2"> your third row and spanned cell </td>

This gets you this,

your first row and first cell your first row and second cell
your second row and first cell your second row and second cell
your third row and spanned cell

These are the basic HTML skills. HTML & Web browsers have a very large tag selection avaliable. To learn more, you could use a web page editing program, or something like that. For simple Myspace functionality, this is all the HTML you need.
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Block List Myspace does not have too much blocked currently.

The following is blocked everywhere on the site

HTML string blocked and replaced Attributes HTML string replaced with
<link none ..
<script none ..
# none (an HTML representation)
/* */ Within CSS .r{}
<!-- none <!-- --> -->
<applet none ..
Javascript Within HTML ..

A long time ago, the <object> tag was blocked, but it was unblocked as newer browsers phased out the <embed> tag, which still works, but not as well as <object>. Most items that were embedded with <embed> are now embedded with <object>, sometimes using a nested <embed> tag, but not always.

This is blocked in comments only,

HTML string blocked and replaced Attributes HTML string replaced with
style Within HTML ..
Everything else when user blocks HTML HTML Tags HTML Symbol Representation

Also, anything that may be targeted at the ads will be altered.

Anything trying to hide the ad, or any part of the google search bar (lame) will be reverted when page finishes loading. A script at the bottom of the page will do this.
However, i have found some flaws and workarounds for this stylesheet, and hid most of the Google bar sucessfully. To hide it on your profile, use my profile generator.

I will continue monitoring for more blocked content.
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